Every Republican member of the Iowa Congressional Delegation voted to cut billions from Medicare and Medicaid and raise taxes on middle class families.


Today, Iowa Democratic Party Chair Troy Price released the following statement on the 2018 Republican Federal budget. The IDP is also calling on concerned Iowans to make their voices heard with the Republican Members who failed to stand up for working Iowa:

“With the passage of this partisan budget bill, the GOP cemented their loyalty to special interests and corporations over working America. The facts of this budget speak for themselves: massive cuts to programs that keep hundreds of thousands of Iowa families, seniors, veterans, and disabled people afloat so the Republicans can giveaway our tax dollars to those who fill their campaign coffers. They can try to spin this however they want, but make no mistake, with their support for this brazen and irresponsible policymaking, Senators Grassley and Ernst and Representatives Blum, Young, and King have betrayed the hardworking people of Iowa.

Today, we are asking every Iowan to call these people who are supposed to be our advocates in Washington D.C. and let them know they will be held accountable next November and beyond.”

Iowans can call (202) 224 – 3121 to register their concerns.

Learn more about the impact of the GOP budget on working Iowa families below:


  • Last week, Senate Republicans passed a partisan budget resolution that would make drastic cuts to vital programs, including Medicare and Medicaid, to give giant tax breaks to wealthy corporations and the 1% – all at the expense of working Americans. Today, House Republicans followed suit.
  • As they did with health care, Republicans worked in secret to write tax legislation because they knew how damaging and unpopular their proposals will be to middle-class families.
  • To make matters worse, the Republican tax cuts aren’t paid for. The GOP budget would increase the budget deficit by at least $1.5 trillion, forcing even deeper cuts to programs that help American families.



  • The Senate budget calls for more than $1 trillion in cuts to Medicaid – an even deeper cut than Republicans proposed in their health care repeal bills.


  • The Senate budget calls for deep cuts to programs like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as food stamps, and Social Security.
  • SNAP helps 381,000 of Iowa families and workers stay out of poverty and keep healthy food on the table.
    • 69 percent of SNAP participants in Iowa are in families with children.
    • 52 percent of SNAP participants in Iowa are in working families.
    • 25 percent of SNAP participants in Iowa are in families with members who are seniors or have a disability.
  • In 2016, SNAP benefits added $508 million to Iowa’s economy, because families spend their SNAP benefits at local grocery stores and other retailers.
  • 86,829 Iowans rely on Social Security Disability Insurance, which workers pay into so they can support their families if they develop a severe disability.


  • The richest one percent of Iowa residents would receive 50.2 percent of the state’s total tax cuts in 2018. These households are projected to earn at least $440,800 next year and would see an average tax cut of $50,050 in 2018.
  • In stark contrast, middle-class Iowans would only receive 6.8 percent of the state’s total tax cuts. These households would only get an average tax cut of $240 in 2018.
  • Millionaires alone would get 42.6 percent of the state’s total tax cuts.
  • 12.5 percent of Iowa households would face a tax hike if the GOP tax plan was in effect in 2018.
  • SOURCE: ITEP State-by-State Impact of GOP tax plan and attached spreadsheet.

CUTS TO EDUCATION AND TRAINING: Nationwide, the Senate budget cuts close to $200 billion from services like Pell Grants and student loan assistance over the next decade.