Calls efforts by frontline workers to hold employers accountable during global pandemic ‘frivolous lawsuits’

DES MOINES — As Iowa continues to lead the nation in packing plant outbreaks of COVID-19, GOP congressional candidate and State Representative Ashley Hinson is bragging about her role to make it harder for workers to hold their employers accountable if they get sick on the job. Last week, Hinson voted for a bill that explicitly shields companies from lawsuits on endangering workers’ safety during the pandemic. And then she doubled down, rationalizing her terrible vote in a lengthy, defensive and misleading newsletter.

“Ashley Hinson has made it clear she doesn’t stand with Iowa workers. Democrats want our economy to return and thrive, and we need to do everything we can to make sure workers have the resources they need to safely do their jobs, including hold employers accountable when those needs aren’t being met. While the GOP continues to put corporate interests over good government, Rep. Finkenauer is working to help Iowa families get through this crisis and safely restart our economy.” — IDP Communications Director Mandy McClure

Hinson and the Iowa GOP’s failure to listen to workers and hold businesses accountable has led to thousands of unnecessary exposures and deaths.

This bill essentially gives immunity to businesses like Tyson that claim safe working conditions but leads the nation in employee cases, including rampant virus spread at the Black Hawk plant

Hinson’s vote compounds the public health problem for workers and their families as Gov. Reynolds refuses to enforce common sense workplace safety regulations, and businesses aren’t required to provide information on outbreaks.

By requiring workers to prove “actual injury” the bill prevents most workers from getting their day in court, even if they got sick because of an employers’ negligence.

Hinson has a record of leaving workers in the dark. Throughout her career she has also voted to overturn local minimum wage increases and deny workers fair compensation for on-the-job injuries.