Donald Trump Looks to Rip Away Affordable Health Care From Iowans With Preexisting Conditions

Today, Iowa Democratic Party Chair Rita Hart released the following statement in response to Donald Trump threatening to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which could raise health care costs and jeopardize coverage for hundreds of thousands of  Iowans, including 466,000 with preexisting conditions.

“When it comes to their health care, Iowans certainly don’t want to go backwards to the days of poor coverage, higher costs and unfair insurance practices that they remember before the Affordable Care Act became law.  Donald Trump is once again trying to raise costs on middle-class Iowans – doubling down on his push to terminate the Affordable Care Act that has provided Iowans with lifesaving health care for over a decade. If Trump gets his way, Iowans will be kicked off their insurance, health care costs will skyrocket, and he will roll back President Biden’s work to make prescription drugs more affordable. While Republicans continue trying to gut lifesaving policies, Iowa Democrats and President Biden are fighting to make healthcare more affordable and accessible,” said Iowa Democratic Party chair.

Here’s a look at what the Affordable Care Act has delivered:
