Will Iowa Republicans follow Gov. Reynolds’ lead and put Partisan Politics before a Bipartisan Immigration Deal?

As lawmakers in Washington, D.C. are finally ready to vote on a much-needed and long-awaited bipartisan immigration bill, Iowa’s Republicans have stayed silent on whether they’ll be voting for a deal that will help secure our southern border.

Back in Iowa, Governor Kim Reynolds has spent the last month wasting Iowans’ time and taxpayer dollars and trying to score political points by taking trips to Eagle Pass and sending Iowa troops down to the US-Mexico border. Yet, when an opportunity to actually do something about the issue became available through the bipartisan immigration deal led by President Biden, Kim Reynolds was quick to change her tune. 

Senators Joni Ernst and Chuck Grassley, along with Representatives Zach Nunn, Mariannette Miller-Meeks, Ashley Hinson and Randy Feenstra will have to choose whether they will step up and on a bipartisan immigration deal for the good of the state and of the country, or if they’ll agree with the Governor and put politics over people’s safety. 

This deal shouldn’t be about whether it increases Donald Trump’s chances at reelection, it should be about what’s best for Iowans.

“Iowans are tired of politicians talking about the border without action,” said Iowa Democratic Party Chair Rita Hart. “ It’s time to solve the problem. Put people over politics and vote yes on this bi-partisan deal.”
