This week, the Iowa Democratic Party is throwing it back to the unacceptable number of times Governor Reynolds ignored assessments that the radical privatization of Medicaid, or ReynoldsCare, was failing in Iowa.

“It is absolutely unacceptable that Governor Reynolds took two years to even admit there was a problem with the ReynoldsCare system here in Iowa, and even now, her DHS is refusing to pursue the substantive changes Iowans desperately need,” said Iowa Democratic Party Spokesperson Tess Seger. “This whole ReynoldsCare debacle demonstrates beyond a shadow of a doubt that Governor Reynolds’ priorities do not lie with the people of Iowa.” 

It should be noted that Governor Reynolds, a “full partner” in the Branstad Administration, was clearly well aware of all of the problems below and more and still chose to do nothing:

WASHINGTON POST: Iowa’s radical privatization of Medicaid is already struggling
 “The transition of Iowa’s $4.2 billion Medicaid program has made the rollout of look orderly.”

MASON CITY GLOBE GAZETTE: Editorial: Branstad’s Medicaid overhaul falling short
“Gov. Terry Branstad’s Medicaid privatization looks to be collapsing under its own weight. Yet, Iowa’s governor can only skewer the messenger.”

DES MOINES REGISTER: Iowa Medicaid payment shortages are ‘catastrophic,’ private managers tell state
The for-profit companies running Iowa’s Medicaid program have been complaining to state administrators that the controversial project is “drastically underfunded” and that the situation has been a “catastrophic experience,” newly released documents show.

DES MOINES REGISTER:  Editorial: If Medicaid fixed issues, why are providers still owed money?
“Among [Reynolds’] observations: Iowans with “high-risk behavioral health conditions” are faring better now. “This quarterly report shows progress in modernizing our mental health system,” she said. Then there is reality.”

DES MOINES REGISTER: Complaints about Iowa’s privatized Medicaid are spiking
State quarterly reports show grievances and appeals filed with the three companies managing Iowa’s Medicaid program have spiked by almost 270 percent — from 343 to 1,268 — in the latest three-month report published in March.

NPR: Patients, Health Insurers Challenge Iowa’s Effort To Privatize Medicaid
Siegel is one of six disabled Iowans suing the state, alleging that Medicaid managed care, as it is known, deprives thousands of Iowans with disabilities the right to live safely in their homes.

WHO TV: AmeriHealth Withdrawing from Iowa’s Privatized Medicaid Program
Since the company took over the state Medicaid program last spring, it has complained the program wasn’t properly funded and cost them millions of dollars, despite former Governor Terry Brandstad’s promise a privatized program would save Iowans money.

DES MOINES REGISTER: Iowa Medicaid recipients mean ‘more than a dollar sign,’ emotional crowd tells state
The private companies are denying critical care, failing to properly notify Medicaid recipients of their basic appeal rights and are often nonresponsive to serious questions, those who spoke from a crowd of more than 200 at Des Moines’ downtown library told state officials.