DES MOINES — Iowa Democratic Party Vice-Chair June Owens released the following statement on the 155th anniversary of Juneteenth:
“On this 155th anniversary of Juneteenth, Iowans across our state reflect on the immeasurable injustice suffered by those bought and sold into slavery as well as the significant civil rights achievements our country has made since that time. But as we are tragically reminded by events of racism and injustice across our nation, our work is far from done. We won’t be silent in this fight for justice.
“Today, as we honor the sacrifice and courage of those who championed our fights for equality, we must all reaffirm our commitment to creating a truly equal and just nation. As Democrats, our party is working to make sure all Iowans can fully participate in our democracy and use their voice for change.
“We stand in solidarity with the millions of people around the globe using their voice for change, and we’re organizing to make sure all Iowans can fully participate in our democracy. Our party is committed to electing leaders who will be a voice for marginalized members of our society and continue the march towards progress for future generations. So, let us continue to march, organize, and most importantly, vote!”