In recognition of National Voter Registration Day, Iowa Democratic Party Chair Troy Price released the following statement on voting rights in Iowa:

“The right for every American to vote is the cornerstone of our democracy. Exercising that right levels the playing field and ensures that every person in this country – regardless of who you are, what your background is, or how much money you have – has a chance to have their voice heard in our country.

Unfortunately, here in Iowa, Governor Reynolds and Secretary of State Paul Pate are actively implementing policies that make it harder for Iowans to vote. They’re implementing voter I.D. laws and shortening the early vote period, which will do nothing more than infringe on this most fundamental right of Americans.

We’re not about to let that slide. Democrats are ready to go to the mat to protect Iowans’ right to participate in our Democracy. We will not let the people of Iowa be silenced. 

From college campuses to urban festivals to neighborhoods in rural Iowa, Democrats are already on the ground registering new voters and educating all Iowans about their right to vote. We’re going to fight day in and day out to make sure every Iowan has equal access to the ballot box.”