Tuesday, September 8, 2020


IA-01 Debate Highlights: Finkenauer Fights for Unions, Higher Wages, COVID-19 Relief

While Finkenauer spent the Labor Day debate fighting for working Iowans, Hinson tried to hide from her extreme anti-worker voting record and rubber stamp agenda for the DC GOP

DES MOINES — Yesterday, Congresswoman Abby Finkenauer and State Rep. Ashley Hinson met in a Labor Day debate that proved once again why Finkenauer is the best choice for Iowa families. Finkenauer advocated for defending unions and the right to collectively bargain, higher wages for working families, protecting the postal service, better COVID-19 relief from the federal government, and more. Meanwhile, Hinson spent the debate attempting to run from her extreme anti-worker agenda. Every answer — or lack thereof — showed Iowans Hinson’s true colors: time and time again, she refused to break with the Republican establishment in Washington to stand up for Iowans.

Take a look at some highlights from the debate — and where Congresswoman Finkenauer and State Rep. Hinson compare on the real issues:  

STRONG UNIONS AND THE RIGHT TO COLLECTIVELY BARGAIN: Finkenauer supports our unions, but Hinson voted to undermine them at every turn. 

IPR: “‘That went after our teachers, our corrections officers, our bus drivers — folks who are just working their tails off, trying to provide for their families and you went out of your way to make their lives harder,’ Finkenauer said.”

In the State House, Hinson voted repeatedly to gut collective bargaining and undermine union workers. While Hinson attempted to do damage control on her years-long anti-worker record, Finkenauer spent the Labor Day debate advocating for strong unions and better worker’s compensation.

Finkenauer grew up in a proud union family and has been endorsed by over 500 labor unions that trust her to continue fighting for them in Congress.

RAISING THE MINIMUM WAGE FOR WORKING IOWANS: Finkenauer is fighting for a higher wage, but Hinson voted to prevent Iowa counties from raising wages for employees.

IPR: “‘You cannot raise a family on $7.25 an hour,’ said Abby Finkenauer of Cedar Rapids, the Democrat seeking a second term in the U.S. House. ‘The reality in our country is we’ve got people working 40 hours a week, or over that, who can’t afford rent, who are struggling to afford to raise their families.’”

In the State House, Hinson voted to cancel a minimum wage increase already approved by Linn County, effectively slashing wages for her own constituents. In the debate last night, she refused to commit to a dollar amount and say how much more Iowans deserve to be paid, even though Iowans haven’t received a wage increase in over a decade.

COVID-19 RECOVERY: Finkenauer supports listening to scientists and public health experts. Hinson would leave small businesses and Iowa communities without resources or guidelines: 

The Gazette: “Finkenauer said policymakers should listen to public health experts, and that she would defer to those experts.”

DMR: “Finkenauer said there are priorities that need to be met regardless of cost, like federal funding to prop up states, cities and counties that have lost money due to the pandemic and hazard pay for essential workers.”

Although our nation is undergoing the coronavirus crisis and a historic recession already, Hinson proved she would be just another rubber stamp for Washington Republicans when she refused to support a mask mandate or other basic public health guidelines when pressed during the debate. While Hinson dodged questions, Fineknauer voiced her support for listening to public health experts and scientists to help us get through this pandemic. She also said that Iowa cities and counties need more federal support and hazard pay for essential workers.

USPS: Finkenauer is working to save the postal service from GOP attacks, yet Hinson refused to offer solutions:

IPR: “Finkenauer, the Democratic incumbent, said removing mail processing equipment and slowing down mail delivery is unacceptable. ‘Especially as folks are relying on mail for their prescription drugs, for example,’ Finkenauer said.”

During a global pandemic, Finkenauer knows the USPS has never been more essential to deliver prescriptions, medical supplies, financial information, and more to Iowans. Meanwhile, though the postal service has been under repeated attack from President Trump and GOP party leaders, Hinson refused to offer real solutions to fully-fund USPS during a critical election year.

REDUCING STUDENT DEBT: Finkenauer advocated to reduce the mountains of debt to make college more attainable for all Iowans while Hinson doubled down on her support of the student loan industry. 

Finkenauer knows that everyone deserves the chance to go to college — and no one should be stuck paying off mountains of student loan debt for decades. As someone who still has student loans herself, Finkenauer advocated for reducing debt for Iowans, while Hinson doubled down on her opposition to financial resources for Iowans seeking higher education.