Hinson on Koch brothers in 2017: ‘I didn’t take any money from them, you can check my report’

DES MOINES — In her early days as a state legislator, Ashley Hinson was proud to have shunned the Koch brothers. In 2017 she told a constituent, “I didn’t take any money from them, you can check my report. I’m serious.” But now, as a seasoned politician looking to her next promotion, Hinson has changed her tune.

Yesterday, Hinson bragged about earning the support of the Koch brothers’ political action committee, Americans for Prosperity. This isn’t the first time Hinson has touted the out-of-state special interests backing her campaign. In a press release last month, Hinson showcased a dozen PAC’s that are propping up her campaign to represent wealthy and powerful donors in Washington.

“Ashley Hinson has changed – and she’s willing to do or say whatever it takes to climb the political ladder. Now more than ever, Iowans need a champion who makes their voices heard in Washington, not a mouthpiece for Washington Republicans and ultra-wealthy donors like Hinson,” said IDP Communications Director Mandy McClure.