Congressional Republicans Come Back from Two-Week Vacation looking Ready to do Absolutely Nothing

As House Republicans return today from their two-week vacation to continue their leadership over the most ineffective Congress in U.S. history, Iowans and Americans nationwide watch and see if they can do their jobs and pass a bill.

“Republicans’ two-week vacation has come to a close, and it’s evident they didn’t spend their time off talking to their constituents — because if they had, they’d know how their decision to risk a government shutdown will hurt the economy of the entire nation, and rural economies especially. USDA, DVA, and more will be forced to lock their doors until further notice, pausing services that a huge amount of Iowans rely upon,” said IDP Chair Rita Hart. “The nation hangs in the balance while they not only ignore the threat of a government shutdown but actively embrace it. Republicans haven’t just shown they can’t govern themselves — they’ve accepted defeat, and Iowans will be forced to pay for Republican incompetence.”