The $2.2 Billion Press Call: Secretary of Agriculture Candidate Tim Gannon and Iowa Farmers Speak Out Against Escalating Trade War

While Governor Reynolds and Secretary Naig Have Let the Trade War Spiral Out of Control, The Hour of Need Grows Late for Iowa Farmers.

Time is running out for the Trump Administration to end this devastating Trade War before Iowa farmers take a $2.2 billion hit. Despite this, Governor Kim Reynolds and Secretary Mike Naig refuse to do anything substantive to hold the Trump Administration accountable for this disaster.

Secretary of Agriculture Candidate Tim Gannon will be joining Iowa farmers on a press call tomorrow at 12:00 PM to hold Iowa’s leaders’ feet to the fire.

Iowans need a real, long term solution and a plan to end this unilateral Trade War now. Instead, Governor Reynolds and Secretary Naig keep telling Iowa farmers to be patient, but patience has only brought them lower commodity prices while the President triples down on the Trade War with China.

The only thing the Trump Administration has offered is $12 billion, one time handout that is nothing but an expensive, political attempt to silence farmers speaking out against the GOP’s Trade War.

Pork farmers alone could lose $911 million. From the beginning, this Trade War was a betrayal of rural and working Iowa. Agriculture is the largest economy in our state. If farms collapse, no Iowan is safe from the devastation it will cause. For soybean and corn farmers, two of the top agricultural exports of this state, they could lose $520 million and $337 million, respectively.

Governor Reynolds, Secretary Naig, and Republicans throughout the state consistently prioritize their wealthy campaign donors and partisan special interests in D.C. over the people who they were elected to serve.


WHO: Secretary of Agriculture Candidate Tim Gannon and Iowa Farmers
WHAT: Press call on the impacts and consequences of the Republicans’ escalating Trade War
WHEN: Thursday, September 27th at 12:00
