This week, as Governor Reynolds travels around the state to cover up her real record of undermining Iowa’s fiscal and economic health, the Iowa Democratic Party will be reminding voters of her misplaced priorities and mismanagement that led to the state’s current budget crisis.

At, Iowans can get the facts on the impact Reynolds’ crisis is having on Iowa’s economy and families.

“It is clear that Governor Reynolds would rather line the pockets of her special interest friends than come up with an economic agenda that benefits working Iowans,” said Iowa Democratic Party Spokesperson Tess Seger. “We don’t need a tour to tell us about Reynolds’ economic policies because we’re already living them: a state budget in crisis, the worst GDP growth in the country, and – most importantly – middle class Iowans being left behind while the rich get richer. Iowa simply cannot afford another four years of Kim Reynolds.”

Learn more about the Reynolds Budget Crisis at