REMINDER: Trump’s Manufacturing Record Failed Iowans

As Donald Trump heads back to Iowa tomorrow, this National Manufacturing Day serves as a timely reminder that Trump broke his promises to Iowans, led America to lose manufacturing jobs, and created new incentives for companies to ship jobs overseas.

Here’s what you need to know about Trump’s awful record on American manufacturing:

For four years in a row, Trump’s budget proposals sought to gut funding for a program that helps Iowa manufacturers create and retain thousands of jobs.

Bloomberg: “[Trump’s] budget request calls for the elimination of the following agencies or programs … Manufacturing Extension Partnership program”

Trump oversaw the loss of more than 100,000 manufacturing jobs while he was in office.

Bureau of Labor Statistics: When Trump left office, there were 170,000 fewer manufacturing jobs than when he started.

Trump’s tax scam that benefited the wealthiest people and largest corporations also created new incentives for companies to move jobs offshore.

Washington Post: “The legislation thus offers corporations ‘a perverse incentive’ to shift assembly lines abroad, said Steve Rosenthal of the Tax Policy Center.”

Trump didn’t just wreak havoc on manufacturing jobs — he left office with the worst jobs record of any president in modern American history.

Washington Post: “President Trump took office at the crest of the longest economic expansion in U.S. history. He leaves presiding over the worst labor market in modern U.S. history, as an already-sputtering economic recovery has turned negative.”
