REMINDER: Iowa Republicans Celebrated the Overturning of Roe v. Wade
As the Iowa Supreme Court hears oral arguments for a case that could let an unpopular six-week abortion ban go into effect in our state, let’s not forget Iowa Republicans took a victory lap on the day Roe v. Wade was overturned.
Iowa Republicans have been making extreme positions on abortion, women’s freedom to make their own health care choices, and personal family planning clear for more than two years.
Representatives Ashley Hinson, Mariannette Miller-Meeks, Zach Nunn, and Randy Feenstra
Iowans’ Republican Members of Congress were all staunch supporters of the Dobbs decision. Just take it from them:
“In Congress, I will continue to champion pro-life policies,” said Congresswoman Ashley Hinson.
“I have always and will always vote in support of protecting life and the unborn. Just as I did when I was a state senator,” said Congresswoman Mariannette Miller-Meeks, who voted twice to ban IVF access for Iowans – first as she mentioned in the state legislature, and second when she co-sponsored the 2021 “Life at Conception” Act.
“In Congress, I will strongly oppose radical policies Cindy Axne supports, like taxpayer-funded late-term abortion,” said then-candidate Congressman Zach Nunn, echoing misinformation on Democrats’ stance on abortion.
“By striking down Roe, we can truly live up to our highest moral values and allow states like Iowa – where we proudly defend innocent life – to codify laws that reflect our deepest convictions,” said Congressman Randy Feenstra. “As a Christian and father of four, I will always protect the unborn and vote to ensure that every child is guaranteed one of our most fundamental constitutional rights; the right to life.”
Governor Kim Reynolds
Governor Reynolds was on the front lines of her party’s efforts to take away the rights of more than 1.5 million Iowan women, as one of a dozen Republican governors who signed onto the 2021 amicus brief that directly asked the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey. Then, when the Supreme Court went ahead with overturning Roe, she celebrated – calling it one of SCOTUS’s “greatest moments.”
The overturning of Roe v. Wade was not one of SCOTUS’s “greatest moments.” It is one of the bleakest moments in modern American history – and Iowans agree, as the majority of them support a woman’s right to reproductive healthcare.
By that measure, today’s historic decision is clearly one such moment. But the fight for life is not over. As governor, I won’t rest until every unborn Iowan is protected and respected,” said Governor Kim Reynolds, speaking on the Court’s ‘greatest moments’ following the Dobbs ruling.
Senators Chuck Grassley and Joni Ernst
Don’t forget – Roe was overturned because Trump was able to rig the Supreme Court with a hyper-conservative majority thanks solely to Senate Republicans – including Senators Chuck Grassley and Joni Ernst.
Grassley, in his time on the Senate Judiciary Committee, was integral in overseeing the appointment of Trump’s three SCOTUS nominees.
“For many Americans, including myself, this decision is about far more than correcting a flawed legal analysis in Roe,” said Senator Chuck Grassley. “It means that the rights of the unborn are no longer in jeopardy by our federal government.”
Grassley forgot to mention that in protecting the “rights of the unborn” as he calls them, he played an integral part in restricting the rights of 1.5 million Iowa women. That’s not just a “flawed legal analysis” in Dobbs – it’s a tragedy, and Iowa women will die as a result.
Senator Ernst, following Grassley’s lead, echoed his statement following the overturning of Roe.
“I’m proudly and adamantly pro-life,” said Senator Joni Ernst.
Iowa Senate Majority Leader Jack Whitver
Leader Jack Whitver, the Republican Senator from Ankeny, has spent numerous years in the state legislature working to restrict Iowans’ rights to reproductive healthcare – both before and after the overturning of Roe.
“After decades of prayer, volunteering, and voting, the cause of the unborn won a victory many thought they would never see,” said Senate Majority Leader Jack Whitver. “As a pro-life caucus, Senate Republicans have led on the protection of life and will continue to do so. We look forward to continuing to advance the cause of the unborn.”
Iowa House Speaker Pat Grassley
Speaker Pat Grassley, who worked alongside Leader Whitver in his years of efforts to restrict Iowans’ rights to reproductive healthcare, said this following the overturning of Roe:
“These past two weeks have brought significant victories for the pro-life movement both nationally and in Iowa. Iowa House Republicans will continue to protect the innocent lives of unborn children,” said Iowa House Speaker Pat Grassley.
Iowa Republicans are clear in their intent to continue working to restrict Iowans’ freedoms, both in their above statements as well as in the work they’ve already done following the Dobbs decision – which includes passing a six-week abortion ban, which is still tied up in the Iowa Supreme Court, and several bills that would have threatened IVF access for millions of Iowans.
Iowa Democrats, on the other hand, are clear in our mission to protect Iowans’ freedoms.
IDP Chair Rita Hart, in a statement made on what would have been the 51st Anniversary of Roe v. Wade, said the following: “Today’s anniversary of the Roe decision serves as a stark reminder of just how important it is to vote in every election. Democrats across Iowa stand with the majority of Iowans who want to secure our fundamental freedoms by safeguarding the right to choose. Unfortunately, Iowa Republicans have bent the knee to Kim Reynolds and Donald Trump’s MAGA agenda and are ready to discard our state constitution to make the fringes of their base happy. We all must continue our work to ensure that Iowa women have access to the reproductive healthcare they need, and put people over politics by protecting these critical rights we’d all held for fifty years before Dobbs.”
“[While the ruling] is tough and it might feel hopeless, the fight is not over. Like millions of Americans, I’m angry and exhausted and fed up with politicians who think they know what’s best for me and my family,” said Iowa House Democratic Leader Jennifer Konfrst, following the Dobbs decision. “A large majority of Iowans still believe in reproductive freedom, [and the state law continues to give Iowans] the final say in making our own health care decisions, including abortion. I am going to fight like hell every single day to make sure every family in Iowa keeps their right to access safe, legal abortions.”
“I cannot accept a world where my daughter has fewer rights than I did. Today’s Supreme Court decision is not the end of our fight – it is only the beginning,” said 2022 and 2024 Democratic candidate for Congress Christina Bohannan following the Dobbs decision.
“There’s much to say and do [following the Dobbs decision]. But for now, I’ll just say to women that I recognize you live in a much scarier country now, that the gravity of this day is probably suffocating right now. We love you, but know words aren’t enough. I will keep fighting the good fight,” said 2022 and 2024 Democratic candidate for Congress Ryan Melton following the Dobbs decision.