DES MOINES — From the Senate to the Statehouse, Iowa Republicans across the board are running from their records of voting to take away Iowan’s health care, including coverage for pre-existing conditions.

In House District 94, Rep. Gary Mohr released a television ad falsely claiming his long term support for pre-existing condition coverage. In reality, Rep. Mohr has repeatedly voted against guaranteed coverage for pre-existing conditions and has no record of pursuing legislation that would protect Iowans with diabetes, asthma, or other pre-existing conditions from being denied coverage.

Rep. Mohr’s election year rhetoric matches other GOP Statehouse candidates like Rep. Michael Bergen in HD-55 and Rep. Jeff Shipley in HD-82 who are trying to rewrite their records of putting politics over people. Republicans like Rep. Mohr are currently suing to dismantle the Affordable Care Act and it’s guaranteed protections for pre-existing conditions.

Rep. Mohr has had multiple chances to protect Iowans with pre-existing conditions, instead he sided with insurance companies and the special interests at the expense of Iowans’ health.