DES MOINES – Iowa Democratic Party AAPI Caucus Chair Laura Parkinson released the following statement on the deadly shooting earlier this week in Georgia and disturbing incidents of anti-Asian racism and violence across the nation:

“This week we saw the tragic and avoidable consequences of xenophobic and hate-filled rhetoric, with the targeted killing of eight people in Atlanta, including six Asian women. Sadly, this is not an isolated act. Every day members of the AAPI community across the nation are facing threats of violence, discrimination, and racism. While these violent incidents are increasing, we have to recognize the long history that has built to this moment and acknowledge the work necessary to make our communities safe for everyone.

“We mourn for the lives lost in Atlanta this week, we stand in solidarity with the Asian American and Pacific Islander communities, and we make a commitment as an organization to work at all levels to put an end to this type of violence. If we truly resolve to reject the racism, white supremacy, and hate that has led to this violence, it will require all of us to act now.”