In light of the six-week abortion ban, even in cases of rape and incest with no consideration for age, passed by the Republicans in the State Senate, Iowa Democratic Party Chair Troy Price released the following statement:

“Today, Senate Republicans made it crystal clear that they do not care about women. They do not care about Iowa families. They don’t even care about our rights as Iowans, United States citizens, and human beings with dignity who are worthy of making decisions about our own bodies.

They only care about pursuing an ideological agenda, even when it’s wrong for Iowans and in violation of the United States Constitution.

We thank the Senate Democrats for once again showing they are the party fighting for the people of Iowa.

Senator Dix and his colleagues better not get too comfortable in their majority.  Iowans will remember who was on their side fighting for women’s access to health care, communities large and small, and better paying jobs – not an agenda that only seeks to divide and distract from the real problems facing Iowans.”