DES MOINES – On the observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday, January 16th, 2017, Iowa Democratic Party Chair, Dr. Andy McGuire issued the following statement:

“Today we celebrate the life, legacy and lessons of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr and the best way to honor his memory is to carry on his message of equality, fairness and justice for all. Perhaps now more than ever it is important to embrace those around us, regardless of our differences. Dr. King’s dream of a fully integrated and equal society has not yet been realized.  So, today and in the future, let us stand tall together. Protest Safely. March peacefully. We must conquer our nation’s racial divide through communication and cooperation, not hate speech and violence. By working together and listening to one another, we can build relationships that obliterate color barriers and shatter stereotypes. Let us remain vigilant in the fight and follow Dr. King’s legacy.”