This is the first time Iowans will have the option for Early Check-In to help speed through the lines on caucus night
Deadline for Early Check-In is January 17, 2020
DES MOINES — Today, for the first time in Iowa caucus history, the Iowa Democratic Party announced a new online Early Check-In option for Iowans to sign-up for their precinct caucus before caucus night to help streamline the process. Iowa caucusgoers are required to check in at the door of their precinct caucus, and Early Check-In will allow registered Iowa Democrats to get a head start on the process. While Early Check-In is not a requirement for precinct caucuses, the IDP strongly encourages Iowans to take advantage of this new opportunity to streamline the process on caucus night.
“We are committed to making it easier for Iowans to participate in the first-in-the-nation caucuses and early check-in will help streamline the process on caucus night,” said IDP Chair Troy Price. “Democratic energy is palpable on the ground here. Democrats, Independents, and even some Republicans are ready to participate in our Democratic caucuses and have their voice heard. Early Check-In is one more way we’re working to make sure that all voters have the best possible experience, and to ensure 2020 Democratic caucuses the most successful in our state’s history.”
Any Iowa Democrat who wishes to utilize Early Check-In must do so by January 17, 2020. Iowans who complete the online Early Check-In must print and sign the confirmation in order to enter their caucus through the Early Check-In line.
Iowans who register to vote as a Democrat by December 31, 2019, are guaranteed to be on the registered voter list on caucus night. Iowans who are not registered Democrats can change their party registration on caucus night at their precinct location.
The Iowa Democratic Party has locked nearly 100 percent of caucus precinct locations, and more than 1,700 Iowans have completed or are in the training pipeline to be caucus volunteers. To learn more about how to get involved in the caucuses, go to