Congressman silent as Administration’s latest attempt to gut protections for Iowans with pre-existing conditions starts in Federal Court.
Prior to the Affordable Care Act, more than one million Iowans could have been denied health care coverage because of pre-existing conditions, but Congressman David Young is working his hardest to return our state and nation to that unacceptable status quo.

SHOT: After receiving a sizable donation from Paul Ryan who was pushing the disastrous American Health Care Act (AHCA), Congressman David Young lied to the people of Iowa and voted for the AHCA, legislation which guts protections for Iowans with pre-existing conditions.

CHASER: Congressman Young has remained silent while the Trump Administration backs yet another legally-dubious scheme, through the courts rather than a democratic process, to rip protections away from Iowans seeking affordable, quality care that doesn’t discriminate against pre-existing conditions.

“We’d offer to find Congressman David Young a spine, but thanks to his own votes, he probably couldn’t afford the medical bills,” said Iowa Democratic Party Chair Troy Price.