Iowa Democrats mark one year anniversary of Reynolds swearing in with new video series.


Today, Senator Joe Bolkcom of Iowa City is talking to Iowa voters about how Education has fared under the last year of Governor Reynolds’ leadership.

This week marks one year since Governor Reynolds was sworn in to office, so the Iowa Democratic Party is taking a critical look at how she has handled the most pressing issues in our state. Legislators from all over Iowa, including Representatives Chris Hall and Todd Prichard, have stepped up to make sure the public is fully aware of the Reynolds Administration’s messed up priorities and mismanagement.

As Iowans, we’ve always been proud of our state’s foundation in education, but under Kim Reynolds’ leadership, our education budget has become the piggy bank for funding corporate and wealthy special interest giveaways…

Governor Reynolds has consistently puts her political donors ahead of what’s best for the people of Iowa, I’ve had enough. I know we can do better.”