More Cuts for Working Iowa Families Already Hit Hardest By the Reynolds Budget Crisis

Month after month, working Iowa families have borne the brunt of drastic budget cuts forced by the Reynolds Budget Crisis. This summer has been no different.

“Instead of investing our tax dollars in Iowa’s greatest resource – our people – Governor Reynolds paid off her special interest donors and squandered the rest on haphazard corporate giveaways. If Governor Reynolds thinks her campaign can successfully pull the wool over voters’ eyes as Iowa families suffer the consequences of her mismanagement, she’s in for quite a surprise this November,” said Iowa Democratic Party Spokesperson Tess Seger.


Mental Health: Impact of Reynolds Budget Crisis on mental health prevention and services comes to the forefront as Reynolds launches ad campaign peddling misinformation about her record on mental health that includes closing two mental health facilities and highlighting a mental health bill that will go unfunded due to Reynolds’ mismanagement of Iowa taxpayers’ money.

Reynolds’ University of Iowa Cuts: Reynolds has consistently targeted opportunity education, our colleges and universities, with some of the most vicious, politically motivated budget cuts made necessary by her robbery of Iowa tax dollars. Those cuts forced the University of Iowa to seriously scale back their services for working Iowa families.

Those cut services include:

  • Critical resources for working people through the Labor Center
  • Support for aging Iowans
  • Tools for encouraging communication between the U.S. and China
  • Technology for Iowans with disabilities
  • Resources for health professionals looking to start new businesses
Learn more about the Reynolds Budget Crisis at