Lanon Baccam Puts Iowans First As He Delivers Winning Debate

The contrast couldn’t be clearer: Lanon Baccam is working for Iowa families, while Zach Nunn sells them out.

DES MOINES – Lanon Baccam put Iowans first as he delivered a winning debate this evening.

Tonight, Lanon proved his first priority is putting Iowans first as he shared his vision for improving the lives of Iowa families through protecting access to abortion, taking on the big corporations and special interests that are price gouging Iowans, working to lower costs for middle-class families and working with members of either party to fix our broken immigration system and secure the border.

Iowa Democratic Party Chair Rita Hart released the following statement at the conclusion of tonight’s debate:

“Lanon Baccam is a combat veteran and lifelong Iowan who has spent months listening to what Iowans want. Tonight he proved that he is ready to take their ideas to Washington. Lanon’s vision to restore and protect access to abortion for Iowans, lower the costs of groceries and pharmaceutical drugs, take on big corporations that are price gouging Iowans and work with members of either party to fix our broken immigration system and to keep America safe is exactly what Iowans want. Zach Nunn can’t be trusted to look out for Iowans. Nunn was defensive all night long because of his record supporting a national abortion ban without exceptions for rape, incest or the life of the woman – including in Iowa. He has taken more than $1 million from special interests and voted to let credit card companies charge nearly four times as much in fees. He even supports Reynolds’ private school voucher program and voted for a plan that could fire public school teachers.

The contrast couldn’t be clearer: Lanon Baccam is working for Iowa families, while Zach Nunn sells them out.” 
