Iowa Democratic Party Second Vice-Chair June Owens released the following statement on the 154th anniversary of Juneteenth:

“Today we celebrate the anniversary of the abolition of slavery and solemnly recommit ourselves to the fight for full equality. We remember those who marched for freedom and gave their lives for justice in the hope that one day all Americans could be truly be free.

“While we have made unquestionable progress toward racial equality in this country, we cannot dismiss the discrimination that many in our communities still face every day. From inflated incarceration rates, purging voter rolls, unequal access to affordable housing and education programs, too many Americans still face systematic inequality that still exists in our society.

“As Democrats, our party is working to register voters and make sure all Iowans can fully participate in our democracy and use their voice for change. We’re committed to electing leaders who will be a voice for the marginalized members of our society and continue the march towards progress for future generations. So, let us continue to march, organize, and most importantly, vote!”
