The Iowa Democratic Party has always been and will always be a place where everyone is welcome and included in the process of making our state and country a better place. Standing up for those who have been marginalized, forgotten, or ignored is a core value of the Democratic Party, as such, we as a community have a special obligation to strongly condemn every incident of sexual harassment, particularly when it occurs within our own party.

I admire those who had the courage to step forward, and I believe Senator Boulton did the right thing by suspending his campaign. We hope that he will prioritize the values of the Iowa Democratic Party, and every Democrat we represent, as he makes his decision about his future. Whatever decision he makes, we support a full and thorough investigation by the Iowa Senate into this matter.

We can and must do better.

This is not the end of the conversation. We firmly believe that the events of the last 24 hours are a step towards creating the social change we so desperately need; but, it won’t happen without folks like you stepping up to be part of the solution. Please help us move forward.

Our doors and our ears are open:

Resources for Survivors of Sexual Harassment (h/t Feminist Majority Foundation):

9 to 5: National Association of Working Women

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Equal Rights Advocates
24 HR line: 415-621-0505

Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF) 

National Women’s Law Center

U.S. Department of Labor Women’s Bureau

Iowa Sexual Abuse Hotline

Iowa Victim Service Call Center