Thursday, August 27, 2020


On International Television, Hinson Attacks ACA, Continues to Dodge Questions on GOP-Backed Lawsuit to Rip Away Health Care

DES MOINES — Back home in Iowa, Ashley Hinson has been dodging questions about  the Republican lawsuit seeking to rip away  the entire Affordable Care Act – including guaranteed coverage for 316,500 first-district Iowans with pre-existing conditions. But on Monday, Hinson went on international television to slam this critical expansion to health care and parrot Trump administration talking points — making it abundantly clear she’ll follow her party line on health care, even at the expense of hard-working Iowans.

Here’s what Hinson had to say on the BBC earlier this week:

ANCHOR: When I look at your list of priorities, Ashley, there are things like immigration, agriculture, health care, holding China accountable, but on several of those things actually, President Trump has not delivered over the last three and half years. Let’s take health care for example. There’s still Obamacare and hasn’t gotten much better in the country, has it?

HINSON: Right. We have seen premium health care is double more than 2013. That is a failure of Obamacare loud and proud right there. Since 2015 –

ANCHOR: But President Trump hasn’t fixed it, has he?

While Hinson refuses to denounce the GOP’s latest assault on the ACA when speaking to Iowa outlets, she readily admits on international TV that she has no plan on health care, even during a global pandemic.

“While Ashley Hinson attacks health care expansion on international TV, Congresswoman Abby Finkenauer and Iowa Democrats are working to make health care more affordable and accessible, lower the cost of prescription drugs, and support Iowans during the COVID-19 pandemic,” said IDP Communications Director Mandy McClure. “Hinson needs to spend less time complaining about laws that protect people with pre-existing conditions and more time explaining to Iowans why she wants to take coverage away from the millions of people here who rely on the ACA to make sure they aren’t punished for having illnesses like asthma, diabetes, or cancer.”