After Desperate Debate Stunt, Ernst Has Spent Election in Damage Control Avoiding Questions on Ongoing Scandals, Failures in Washington

Down in the polls and still facing the fallout from one of the most humiliating debate gaffes in the history of Iowa politics, Senator Joni Ernst has refused to show up to key editorial board meetings, even those with a long record of endorsing candidates from both parties, and nonpartisan forums in a desperate effort to avoid answering questions on her failures in Washington.

Ernst’s absence is in stark contrast to her embarrassing debate stunt in June (that backfired) when she said, “Let’s let Iowans hear what we have to say.” Since then, her scandal-plagued re-election campaign has dodged questions on her ongoing dark money scandal, her support for the GOP lawsuit that could gut coverage protections for pre-existing conditions, and how she sold out Iowa farmers to her Big Oil donors.



Not to mention, Senator Ernst refused to show up in person to the final US Senate debate – which was riddled with technical issues due to the last-minute switch to a virtual setting – because she was in Washington hypocritically breaking her vow that a Supreme Court vacancy in an election year should be left for voters to decide.

“Despite her desperate attempts to hide, Senator Ernst can’t run from her six years of failure in Washington. Ernst’s record of partisan games and political corruption are indefensible, and yet another reason why voters will replace her with Theresa Greenfield this election,” said Jeremy Busch, Iowa Democratic Party spokesperson.