Des Moines, IA – Today, Congressman David Young’s hypocrisy and lack of spine will be on full display as he welcomes Vice President Pence to the district in an attempt to prop up his struggling campaign.

It’s no wonder that he’s in need of help: Candidate Young likes to offer Iowa families a lot of empty rhetoric when he’s on the campaign trail, but when he’s in D.C. with Vice President Pence, those promises fly out the window so he can vote with his party 99% of the time.

“It’s always a question as to which David Young will show up to these rallies – will he keep trying to pull the wool over hardworking Iowa families’ eyes or will he actually take responsibility for his record and make an honest case for his party-first brand of leadership? History tells us that Candidate David Young doesn’t have the courage to actually stand by how Congressman David Young votes, but, hey, stranger things have happened,” said Iowa Democratic Party Spokesperson Tess Seger.

CANDIDATE YOUNG: Claims he’s a watchdog for fiscal responsibility.

CONGRESSMAN YOUNG: Votes with his party to blow up the federal deficit to pay for tax giveaways for the wealthy – twice.

CANDIDATE YOUNG: Claims he wants to protect Social Security and Medicare.

CONGRESSMAN YOUNG: Votes for the aforementioned tax bill then eagerly stands with his party leaders as they advocate cutting Social Security and Medicare to pay for it.

CANDIDATE YOUNG: Claims he wants to protect Iowans with pre-existing conditions.

CONGRESSMAN YOUNG: Goes back on his word and votes with his party to strip protections for Iowans with pre-existing conditions.
