Last night, despite one party being in control of all levers of power, the government shut down. Iowa Democratic Party Chair Troy Price released the following statement on the debacle in D.C.:

“This government shutdown is the direct result of the Republican Party’s refusal to engage in productive bipartisanship. This is the first time ever that the government has shut down with one party in charge. Their party literally holds all the levers of power. Americans will be asking why they did not use them to fix this mess.

Shame on Senators Grassley and Ernst along with Congressmen Blum, Young, and King for failing to show leadership and help those looking for a solution. These Iowans seem to have forgotten that they were sent to Washington to serve the people of our state, not use us as bargaining chips. We applaud Congressman Loebsack for staying on the job until a bipartisan solution is found, and we know he will continue to advocate for the people of Iowa throughout these negotiations.”